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2 Little Neck Handyman Jobs Found
Suzanne B
Little Neck, New York
Active over a week ago
I need some concrete work in my home
Concrete work in various parts of my home. I need someone who can do basic concrete work. Repairs, new work...
Concrete work in various parts of my home. I need someone who can do basic concrete work. Repairs, new work...
Leonard C
Little Neck, New York
Active over a week ago
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Co-op remodel in Little Neck Queens.
Need some help installing kitchen cabinets. We will both work on job together. I will buy cabinets and materials. You will help with some ha...
Need some help installing kitchen cabinets. We will both work on job together. I will buy cabinets and materials. You will help with some hands on work, necessary equipment, and act in an advisory role, as lead professional installer. One time job. Will pay by the hour. Must be extremely reasonable. Also, If you can paint, and skim coat the walls too, I need that done as well....
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